Business and personal bookkeeping and accounting services are provided as a separate engagement from tax services, depending on the size, scope, and length of the project. Please note that write-up projects, such as year-end accounting summaries for use in preparing a business tax return, are often billed as part of preparing the tax return and not as a separate accounting services engagement.
Separate accounting/bookkeeping engagements encompass more substantial services rendered throughout the year. Our tiers of business accounting services are outlined below, and similarly with tax services, these are intended to provide fee ranges for varying levels of work:

Limited-Service Accounting:
Bookkeeping and bank reconciliations for a few bank accounts and credit cards.
State and local excise tax reporting
Internal reporting to owners/management
Best for single owner/employee businesses with limited compliance requirements and one primary source of revenue
Average price range: $300-500 per month
Full-Service Accounting:
Bookkeeping and bank reconciliations; multiple sales platforms and POS systems
Payroll administration
State and local excise tax reporting
Accounts receivable and payable management
Applies to companies with more frequent compliance requirements and diversified revenue streams
Federal and state income tax return preparation, tax advising and strategy implementation; business and owner income tax liability management, tax projections
Average price range: $500-1,500 per month

All services included in full-service engagements plus...
Business strategy and advisory services – being a part of your management team, with monthly finance meetings and check-ins
Assistance with back-office automations and technology management
Price range: $1,500+ per month
All services included in controller-level plans plus…
Weekly meetings – business strategy, goal setting, coaching
Key performance indicator (KPI) development and tracking
More advanced automations and technology management
HR administration and consulting, establishing personnel policies, related support
Price range: $5,000+ per month